Taurine is an organic compound from the group of amino acids, does not have a carboxylic acid group, but the sulfonic acid group (the only one found in nature).
It is the final product of amino acid degradation sulfur - cysteine and the cell membrane stabilizer, by maintaining cell structure, permeability, and polarization.
Taurine is a strong antioxidant, promotes collagen production, prevents aging processes, regenerates the skin.
It helps to maintain the structure and permeability of the cell membrane.
Has the ability to maintain balance in skin cells susceptible to stress, restores skin vitality.
Taurine strengthens the hair (the hair follicle), prevents hair loss because hair follicles are one of the richest stores of this amino acid.
- Fine lines.
- Flabby skin from signs of aging.
- Lack of vitality.
- Hair loss.
Necessary for the management of potassium and calcium levels in tissues and for maintaining cell and membrane integrity.
- Strong anti-oxidant.
- Taurine deficiencies result increased risk to free radical damage.
- Stimulates the synthesis of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
10 ampoules X 2ml
Topical use only.
Item #206